Directing Oligarchy

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Greyhawk Organization
Directing Oligarchy
Type Governmental
Members Greyhawk citizens
Leader Lord Mayor Nerof Gasgal
Headquarters Free City of Greyhawk
Enemies Iuz, Pomarj

The Directing Oligarchy of the Free City of Greyhawk is the chief governing body of Greyhawk City. The Directing Oligarchy is also responsible for governing the Domain of Greyhawk, though its authority and reach is somewhat more limited in that respect. Members of the Directing Oligarchy are usually called "Directors," or sometimes, "Oligarchs."


The Directing Oligarchy numbers twelve to eighteen individuals, representing the city's major professional guilds and the military. In some cases, the Oligarchy may include important wizards and/ or clerics.

A Director's term is indefinite, though a director may leave office through retirement, resignation, or death. It is assumed that a Director may also be removed from office. New Directors are chosen by current council members when a vacency must be filled.

The Directors elect one of their number to serve as Lord Mayor. The Lord Mayor serves for life, acting as head of state for the City and Domain of Greyhawk, while also heading both the Directing Oligarchy and the Council of Mayors and Manorial Lords. The Lord Mayor also officially acts as commander-in-chief of Greyhawk's military, though actual command is most often left to the Captain General of the Watch.


Current Directors

As of 598 CY, the Directing Oligarchy numbers sixteen, consisting of the following members:

  • Nerof Gasgal, Lord Mayor of Greyhawk (male human rogue 10/expert 5, AL LN). Lord Mayor since 570 CY, it is assumed Gasgal was an Oligarch prior to assuming his current office.
  • Carmen Halmaster, high-ranking member of the Merchants’ and Traders’ Union (male human rogue 8, AL N).
  • Tigran Gellner, Captain-General of the Watch (male fighter 12, AL LN). Chosen in 583 CY to replace Sental Nurev as both Director and Captain-General of the Watch.
  • Sir Gavin Ambus, Chief Constable of Greyhawk (male human fighter 13, AL LG). Chosen to replace Etin Derecs in 596 CY.

Former Directors

  • Zagig Yragerne, demigod (male human wizard, AL CN). Joined the Directing Oligarchy 310 CY, and shortly thereafter became Lord Mayor, serving until 421 CY.
  • Turin Deathstalker, military governor of Safeton (male human, AL LE). Former Guildmaster of Assassins. Resigned as Guildmaster and Director in 582 CY, and replaced by Vesper Lafanel in both capacities.
  • Ren o’ the Star†, former Guildmaster of the Merchants' and Traders' Union (male half-elf). Murdered in 583 CY. Replaced as Director by Cariel Mansharn, and as Guildmaster by Dernan Nathane.
  • Sental Nurev†, former Captain-General of the Watch (male human fighter). Committed suicide in 583 CY, and replaced in both offices by Tigran Gellner.
  • Derider Fanshen, priestess of Pelor (female human cleric 7/radiant servant 7, AL NG). Former Chief Constable of Greyhawk, retired in late 591 CY. Replaced in both offices by Etin Derecs.
  • Etin Derecs, retired Chief Constable (male human fighter 13, AL LE). Replaced in Derider Fanshen in 591, serving until 596, when he was forced to "retire" for health reasons. Replaced as Director and Chief Constable by Sir Gavin Ambus.
  • Jerome Kasinkaia, priest of Rao (male human cleric 20, AL LG). Former Patriarch of Rao in Greyhawk. Retired to Mitrik in 596 CY.
  • Eritai Kaan-Ipzirel, Matriarch of Saint Cuthbert (female cleric 14, AL LN). Served as an Oligarch from 584 CY until her resignation in Planting of 598 CY. Replaced on the Directing Oligarchy by Silas Steamgem.


The Directing Oligarchy traces its roots back to the early third century, when Greyhawk was still subject to the Great Kingdom. In 209 CY, Greyhawk's garrison commander, Ponjes the Bull, was appointed Landgraf of the Selintan by Overking Jiranen, after the assassination of Landgraf Lucien Nial. Attempting to avoid Nial's fate, Ponjes restructured the local government, dubbing himself Greyhawk's first Lord Mayor, and creating an executive council to share power, composed of military, civic, and religious leaders--the Directing Oligarchy.


  • Brown, Anne. Player's Guide. Renton, WA: Wizards of the Coast, 1998.
  • Cook, David. "History of the Greyhawk Wars." Wars. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR, 1991. Available Online: [1]
  • Weiss, Sam. "The Directing Oligarchs of Greyhawk." Wizards of the Coast. Renton, WA: Wizards of the Coast, 2008. Available online:[5]